Grants for anything

The Government of Spain invests in its citizens, and it does so through aid, scholarships and subsidies that support its initiatives and help alleviate their difficulties in all areas, from social policies in areas as important as dependency, disability or support for the groups most affected by basic deficiencies, up to aid and subsidies by sector.

Clear examples are housing aid, with rental and purchase aid programs, or for the start-up of business projects. Entrepreneurs who are committed to a sustainable economy are also rewarded. Research, theater, film, energy, agriculture, etc., are some of the many sectors that can also benefit.

Of particular importance are scholarships and aid for education, which is one of the Government's priorities. Despite the economic difficulties, the Education budget has grown by 81% in the last 5 years , specifically this last year it grew 3 times more than what the General State Budgets do as a whole.

And it is that, a quality education for all, in equal conditions, is a basic requirement of every democratic society.

From here you will be able to access the scholarship and subsidy aid search system of the network . In these pages you will find the wide variety free government money for low income families of scholarships, grants and subsidies and the instructions and requirements to apply for them.

You will also have the possibility of subscribing to the OFER-TRABEC distribution list, which is a Service offered by the CSIC / RedIRIS and FCR / UID Communications Center dedicated to the distribution of public and private job offers as well as scholarships, grants, awards , research programs, etc.

The City Council of Oviedo will distribute financial aid up to the limit of the budget allocation among applicants who meet the requirements set forth in article 5 of this call, taking into account the following prioritization criteria based on socio-family vulnerability:
1 .- Priority will be given to family units that have a family income not exceeding 60% of the limit set in order to access the aid.
Of all the family units that are in this income bracket, preference will be granted according to the following order:
1st Family units with the greatest number of minors
2nd In cases with the same number of minors, priority will be given to those families in which the greater number of these circumstances:
a) The families of women who are victims of gender violence with minors in charge when said circumstance is justified by a court decision, or when they enter the Network of Shelters of the Principality of Asturias from another Autonomous Community, fulfilling this situation in the period of the last year from the registration of the application.
b) Families with dependent minors with a record of protection of technical intervention to support the family from social services or another type of protective measure.
c) Families with dependent minors with active family participation in personalized programs with municipal social services proposed in the last year.
d) Single parent and single parent families.
e) Families receiving Basic Social Salary with active participation of the family in personalized programs with municipal social services.
The accreditation of the concurrence of these circumstances will be carried out by incorporating the corresponding social report.
3ยบ In the event of a tie, priority will be given to those with the lowest family income.
2.- In the event that the total economic aid is not covered with the family units that are in the income ranges referred to in the previous section, those that exceed it will be considered, as long as they are within of the limits referred to in art. 5.b) of this call. Among them, preference will be granted according to the order indicated in the previous section.
With the aforementioned criteria, an orderly list of possible beneficiary families will be drawn up, setting a reserve list in the event that resignations or other incidents arise that prevent them from receiving the aid granted.

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